some more random figures for D&D

recently while in the middle of painting my Masters of the Universe figures
i took a trip to a local gaming store that has a decent assortment of Wizkids and
Reaper miniatures but also available are 3d printed figures done by one of the associates
that works there.

while not looking for anything in particular i came across several nice figures that i
bought just for humor and actually using one as a D&D character.

a very bushy tailed fox like animal that i painted as a small fiery elemental creature.
tried my best blending the reds, oranges, and yellows with a tip of white.

muscle bound and raging!!!
i found this dwarf or could be a very upset little helper that's just pissed off at Santa Claus.
i saw this figure and i had to get it. 

i saw this figure and i knew i had to get him.
me personally i am not a cat person but once i saw this i had an idea of a D&D character.
a tabaxi wizard of the school of necromancy,
named Sindarus, the Shadowpaw. 

 last weekend i ordered figures from Miniature Market and got some more
Next Level Miniatures.
i have to admit they are quite nice for being semi-detailed and also well priced.

ever since i saw this particular miniature i wanted to replace the metal minotaur figure
i was using it for my D&D character Roshakuna and use this one.

and to round out the Miniature Market purchase i did grab a Wizkids pack.
i got the Ghost Council of Orzhova and decided to use them as individual ghost characters
instead of one large unit as the set came with a large base for all five.

i also didn't for the first time texture or paint the bases of these because i wanted to have
them be ethereal the best i can and i figured by doing that was not painting the bases.

i used the slapchop painting method on these fellows and used my new
Army Painter speedpaints.
after i applied the first green shade of color i went back over and drybrushed a very thin
white and then went back with a lighter shade of green to give it a ghastly ethereal feel.
i am very pleased with how these all came out.

poor guy has no face.

more to come....👻


  1. Very nice selection of minis.
    The Angry Dwarf is hilarious.
    I must look out for that Ghost Council set, your painting really gives them an ethereal look.
    I do find sometimes that less detail is easier to paint, I can spend too long trying to decide what to paint all the little bits and equipment on modern minis

    1. thanks man.
      the ghost council is Magic Unpainted Minis: W1 Obzedat Ghost Council, Product #WZK90184 from Wizkids.
      i've been using the slapchop painting method a lot lately, kinda how i did the ghostly green appearance for them.


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