fantasy creatures and the french

 i haven't been very productive this past month, i guess mentally i am taking a break.
i have not done any type of gaming with my work schedule and even Rita's are
being rearranged and messed with setting time aside to game
is near impossible.

during this down time i was looking at a new game, Silver Bayonet from Osprey Games.
a napoleonic-horror skirmish table-top game.
being a horror fan this intrigues me,
but also being somewhat a historical game this is definitely outside of what i'm used to.

at this past Historicon last weekend,
i did manage to find a copy of Silver Bayonet and the supplement book
that takes place in Egypt.
i looked it over and ordered a box of infantry and elites from Perry Miniatures,
also a box of british rifles from Wargames Atlantic.

first of the plastic sets i ordered.
being the damn near first time getting into actual historical wargames,
i will take my time putting these together and painting.

i have to say Perry Miniatures are nice.
the painting guide is a plus especially for someone like me who is not familiar with
this kind of material.

i am actually excited to begin this project because this might be a good time to do some
reading and research on the subject.

i did find a few miniatures a good friend of mine gave me a few years ago,
come to find out they are french dragoons.
this will be an educational moment for me.

an alien-cosmic horror being that i purchased at a stand from the convention.
i believe its a Ral Partha miniatures.

awhile back i got several suits of armor for scattered terrain for interior gameplay.
these were very inexpensive and from Next Level Miniatures.
also on the workbench i have what would be animated suits of armor,
hopefully i'll get those done quickly. 

i bought a 3-D print from a local store of an elephantfolk that i used for a D&D session.
used this fellow as an alternate figure of the loxodon character Grumblehorn.

Rita bought an Army Painter paint set and inside there was this figure.
she didn't want it so i ended up painting it as a knight of valor.

more to come.


  1. Some fun stuff there. I hope you enjoy your trip into historical gaming, or at least, 'historical adjacent'.

    1. i've been messing around with the TSB rules and i'm liking it a lot so far,
      but it will be a while till i get stuff painted and ready to go for a decent game to post about.


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