hobbyist declaration 2025

after reading a fellow blogger Bill over on Dice, Doubloons, and Random Musings on
future plans and goals for the new year, i thought to myself i should also set a goal
checklist of such to get myself on track.
i have so many cool ideas for future projects that never come to light, projects that are
already started, and projects that are half completed and get dragged on left behind.

i haven't posted many battle reports in the last few months because i was involved in painting
more of my D&D miniatures and trying to get my MotU figures done as soon as possible.
so i would like to get more gaming in and post more battle reports in even if they are solo's
since time with Rita and i are limited at the moment.

with the lack of spare space in my apartment i can only play so much.
with that in mind i want to get a few more 3'x3' framed painting canvas for smaller
games so i can use the spare table space for dice and books.
get one for a green grass/forest environment and the other desert/western feel.
was thinking of a desert 2'x2' for particular games such as Perilous Tales.

i have been looking into more small skirmish games like Sword Weirdos and
just bought the fresh new Perilous Tales, but i also want to get more games in
like Ruthless and even the Fistful of Lead: Starfighters.
i think Dungeons and Dragons was taking most of my spare gaming time
away for game prepping and such.

my goals are going into the new year:
- - set painting goals to get whatever desired projects completed in a timely manner.
i have three factions yet to complete my MotU miniatures.
recently bought some new western gunfighters and hope to get a majority if not all of
them done in January.
in March, April, and May finish each of the MotU factions in each month.
then i'll have whatever spare time throughout the months to paint what ever.

- - sad to say back in November the D&D group kind of fell apart.
nothing lasts forever and my changing work schedule didn't help things at
the time also,
so i'm hoping in the new year that'll change and those who still want to play we
can get things going with new group members and begin fresh with our already
established characters hanging in the wings waiting to enter the story.

- - and i think lastly, get more gaming in and post more than the usual
"look what i bought and painted!" posts.
i'm thinking maybe at least two battle reports posts, unless i'm on vacation
then i'll do something special.
as i'm writing this i thought of what Bill suggested about doing a wild west serial
using the Perilous Tales villains which i think would be great.
and with Sword Weirdos i will be able to create whatever kind of warbands i like
using my assorted character miniatures from my D&D collection.

so with all that said let's see how 2025 unfolds.
hopefully life is able to let this be the year where i can enjoy
tabletop gaming once again.


  1. Looks like a good set of goals! a good space-saving option for gaming surfaces are the vinyl mats from Mats by Mars; all of my Perilous Tales games are on 2'x'2' mats from them, and they roll up neatly for storage. When I unroll them I hit them with a hair dryer for a few minutes to smooth out wrinkles.


    1. thanks man. I'll give those mats a look at.
      if I buy the painting canvas, I let my girlfriend paint them. she enjoys it more than I do. heh

  2. Some great goals there, I must get mine done.
    I enjoy both your AARs and your painted stuff posts, keep them coming.

    1. thank you very much.
      I got several ideas for some campaigns so I should have plenty AAR in the future.


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