lrn2play: Sword Weirdos

 recently i have been checking out some small skirmish games and came across one
called Sword Weirdos.
i watched a few videos of it on YouTube and i figured it only cost $5 so i gave it a go.
i really like the fact i can make warbands with my assorted D&D miniatures.
and along with it's unusual rules of movement and combat i'm really
taking a liking into.

since Rita is unfortunately working this christmas eve, i went and built myself a small
battlefield using the 2'x3' canvas and throwing some ruins and trees all around. 

layout of the gaming area.

i used the optional solo rules to learn the rules.
i did have to rethink some of the rules because the actual game rules kind of contradicted
the solo rules in a way, but it all worked out in the end.

i created a group of heroic adventurers using the figures of the characters from
our D&D group.

Sindarus the Shadowpaw, Breena, Emily Scarlett,
Roshakuna and Nanna.

the followers of the evil Nathaniel Marris, the necromancer,
two cultists armed with crossbows,
a beast from another realm, the Red Maw,
and two death knights Darion Rivendare and Alexei Barov.

during turn one,
the heroes advanced through the ruins and met with an ambush from
the death knights.

not a good start for Marris and the Red Maw.

during turn three
Sindarus casts the spell ice blast and takes out Rivendare and down Barov.
the one cultist survived and ran off for cover.

Emily Scarlett takes shots with magic missiles to Marris and downs him.

towards the end of the game,
the Red Maw eventually made it's way over and got into some fighting
with Roshakuna.

being bounced like a ping pong ball, Emily Scarlett managed to fend off any hits
from Barov and Marris.
which at this point i was amazed how the dice were rolling in favor of the
gnomish sorceress.

after the grueling fight, the Red Maw finally took down the minotaur.
a cultist took some shots at the Shadowpaw,
and Barov took out Nanna who tried to out-flank the death knight.

Marris tried one more time to take out the gnome.
but to no avail, she stood her ground.

this probably has to be my favorite fantasy skirmish game so far.
the ability to create what ever you wanna field on the battlefield within points
and such is such a freedom you don't see very often.
i do need to go back and tweak some characters,
as i was playing i realized some of the character's attributes need some reworking
to have them be more effective.
after i played and looked back in the rulebook i discovered i overlooked
some things of spell users.
so it kind of made the game sort of one-sided but mistakes will be made.
but overall this was different and fun.


  1. Looks like a good time! I know I've got Sword and Space Weirdos on my hard drive, maybe I'll give them a go this year.

    1. hell yeah man, I spent like an hour or two just making like warbands based off of the miniatures I have. I got like four or five already made I think, it's a lot of fun to create and play with whatever you got.

  2. I do like games that let you use whatever you've already got.
    This sounds fun.

    1. after messing around with the rules and such i became a big fan of these particular game.


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