aliens and demons

ever since the new year i have been tracking the amount of figures i have painted, and i'm kinda curious what the number will look like come the end of this year. i've been wanting to get a few games in but haven't had the time unfortunately. recently i got some hellhounds from Next Level Miniatures, these were good for the price and some cleaning up had to be done but overall nice figures. there was a large three-headed hellhound i had to get. i had to use some green stuff to fix some miscasting around the heads of the large hound. hopefully soon i can unleash these onto my D&D group. some evil sorcerers summoning a great hound of hell. finally got around painting some aliens from CMON's Zombicide: Invader boardgame. sadly i didn't get into the game as i thought i would, but i held on to the miniatures from it to use in other tabletop games. i have many more sitting around in a box which i might paint different colors as time goes on or if i need certain aliens...