
Showing posts from 2025

aliens and demons

ever since the new year i have been tracking the amount of figures i have painted, and i'm kinda curious what the number will look like come the end of this year. i've been wanting to get a few games in but haven't had the time unfortunately. recently i got some hellhounds from Next Level Miniatures, these were good for the price and some cleaning up had to be done but overall nice figures. there was a large three-headed hellhound i had to get. i had to use some green stuff to fix some miscasting around the heads of the large hound. hopefully soon i can unleash these onto my D&D group. some evil sorcerers summoning a great hound of hell. finally got around painting some aliens from CMON's Zombicide: Invader boardgame. sadly i didn't get into the game as i thought i would, but i held on to the miniatures from it to use in other tabletop games. i have many more sitting around in a box which i might paint different colors as time goes on or if i need certain aliens...

miscellaneous fantasy characters

lately i have been gearing up some more figures for either a wild west game or D&D. painting ones i already have, buying new ones for future games/ideas, or coming across some that i totally forgot i had. all miniatures are from Wizkids unless noted in their captions. gargoyles from Next Level Miniatures. black base and gray/white dry brush. i wanted to keep the whole stone-skin look but didn't want to over do it. a halfling ranger. i have to admit the miniatures from the Critical Role unpainted miniatures line from Wizkids seem to be smaller and less detailed. i've been looking for a halfling ranger for some time and this little fellow was not a joy to paint at all.  found a half-orc fighter figure in a small box the other day. i was curious where she came from because i don't remember buying any half-orcs for sometime but anyways i painted her and added her to my red cloaked cult i created. i wanted to create an elf rogue that reminds me of my night elf rogue from Wor...

a little D&D fun

last month our D&D group played for the first time since november of last year. and since then we had few members leave but regain new members in a short amount of time thereafter. with new members we decided to create new characters and a brand new story and along with that a new campaign. i kept the basic background settings and some of our favorite npc's but created a new storyline for our new group members. here are just a few pics from our first few sessions we had already had. the adventure party begins their journey going to a crypt of a long dead general of a forgotten war. Mah'cho, the aarakocra monk, investigates what seems to be a collection of books and scrolls, almost like a library. the ghost of the dead general attacks the party, while admiring the statue of him in the underground crypt. the ghost possessed the curious monk while being attacked by the others. a warlock that the party has comes across gives a hand in their search for an item of interest. they ...

more gunfighters #PWYG

here are the rest of the wild west miniatures finished for the Paint What You Got challenge. i wish i had these done earlier in the month but with the weather not being cooperating and then trying to get over a chest cold all aspirations of painting are withering away. a day before i'm writing this post i got what i wanted done. with a total of 30 miniatures from 3 box sets, there were four i didn't use because they were in a crouching position, four more i held off on, for a special project i am in the processing of kind of doing for Perilous Tales, so that leaves 22 in total wild west figures completed and done for the Paint What You Got challenge. i made a small band of bandits and criminals all with masks and face coverings. these were fun to put together and with the female set released not long ago these are better than the wild west Zombicide figures i had in the past that i was going to use for western games. some females brandishing some fine hardware. and still i will...

d&d and gunfighters #PWYG

wanted to start the Paint What You Got painting challenge for a while now but weather was not helping me at all and preventing me from going out to spray some miniatures. i did happen to get a few western gunfighters done. but then things started to unfold. first of my wild west gunfighters that i set to do for the Paint What You Got challenge. i have about 21 more to go before Feb. 28th. out of all of them i made a dedicated sheriff with a painted gold star, and i plan to do a few deputies with silver stars. just like the Zombicide wild west figures i had a year or so ago, i painted up a set of figures for Rita and her parents. i asked her what kind of weapons they should have and the color scheme of their clothes. she was pleased with how they came out. i still have a way to go but i'm not sure if i will make the original plan of getting my wild west figures completed in the time of February 28th. we managed to regroup our D&D group with Rita inviting some of her friends and ...

Paint What You Got painting challenge

i don't really do hobby challenges as often as most of my peers do. but when i come across one that seems either really fun or even beneficial i'll give it a go. the only themed challenge i've done is the Orctober, where you either paint units or single figures that are orcs/orks. this time around i came across a new challenge where there's a deadline for painting miniatures. i'm going to participate in the Paint What You Got challenge by Dave Stone over at Wargames Terrain Workshop . i learned about this challenge on the The Periodic Painting Table blog where a fellow hobbyist MisterC also is joining in. the challenge is to finish something between December 26th (or now) and February 28th. it could be something that has already started or is completely new, it just has to be completed in the time frame given. i figured this would be a great time to get a good start on my wild west miniatures that i just recently bought a few weeks back. i got two plastic sets of G...