more gunfighters #PWYG

here are the rest of the wild west miniatures finished for the Paint What You Got challenge. i wish i had these done earlier in the month but with the weather not being cooperating and then trying to get over a chest cold all aspirations of painting are withering away. a day before i'm writing this post i got what i wanted done. with a total of 30 miniatures from 3 box sets, there were four i didn't use because they were in a crouching position, four more i held off on, for a special project i am in the processing of kind of doing for Perilous Tales, so that leaves 22 in total wild west figures completed and done for the Paint What You Got challenge. i made a small band of bandits and criminals all with masks and face coverings. these were fun to put together and with the female set released not long ago these are better than the wild west Zombicide figures i had in the past that i was going to use for western games. some females brandishing some fine hardware. and still i will...