Betrayal under Bunker 0813.19 - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

another crazy night with the lady and her boys. after having a successful game of Fistful of Lead figured this time Galactic Heroes with a touch of Heroquest using my Wizard of the Coast Star Wars figures. great game with all the usual element of a Star Wars story. heroism, adventure and betrayal. i always love Heroquest and since i don't play with my Space Hulk game as much as I like to, i do put the tiles in good use. recently i have been using them for floor plans of an underground bunker or facility with my Star Wars figures. which in my opinion are the perfect size and such. i don't count the squares or use a measuring tool for movement. and for weapon ranges pretty much is in range because we are in compact spaces, the most a weapon's range would be depending how long and straight a corridor would be...anywhere from few inches to maybe 12inches. the band of Republic agents has come across a fallen Jedi and some hired guns.. up to this point, ...