Graveyard Classics - Fistful of Lead

not talking about Six Feet Under's cover album..
which was kinda okay if you like deathmetal versions
of AC/DC, Deep Purple or Dead Kennedys.

this was the first time i had my girlfriend and one of her boys to play a game
of Fistful of Lead from Wiley Games.
havent cleaned up from the other game i was messing around with but this time,
i threw in the graveyard pieces i got from Easter from a good friend.
haven't gotten around to painting the pieces but i wanted to see what it would
look like with my desert terrain.

 originally i was gonna gamemaster it and my girlfriend and two of her boys were gonna play
and i was teach them how to play.

 really excited to start painting this pieces. just need to decide how i wanna have the color scheme to be.

well into the game,
at one point her youngest kinda didn't have interest in the game,
tabletop gaming isn't everyone's cup of tea i reckon.
so we decided the Chaotic Snake Men
ran off to fight another day. 

the Lizardmen and the human adventurers clashed over some chests that contain relics and books of knowledge the sorceress needed for her studies.
after a random dice roll the icy scaled Snakemen heard noises coming from over a hill
and went to investigate.

i got so involved into the game at this point i totally forgot to take pictures but here are some
i did manage to take.

there were four treasure chests scattered around the battlefield.
two were in the graveyard itself.

my girlfriend's warband was able to snag one,
her son got one but lost it in front of the graveyard entrance.
myself was able to get two of them.

i declared her son the winner of the game, even though he didn't get  more chests,
he held off the attacks from both sides and stood his ground.
i was impressed and kinda felt good,
being this was his first time ever gaming tabletop.


  1. Cool graveyard. That's the stuff nightmares are made of!

    1. Thanks. Kinda wanna get another set and make a nice size graveyard table. And add things that come alive during a game.


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