more Blightlords

was able to two more Blight Terminators completed this week and
also get a game of Battlefleet Gothic in before the weekend was over.

like the Champion before i gave this particular Terminator a nice
dose of Nurgle's Rot paint along his hanging entrails and elsewhere.
kinda messed up on the helmet eyes but then second thought they sort of look like bug eyes
so i didn't really make a fuss of it.
with the Nurgle's Rot i made a nice puddle of ooze on the base to make it look like
he is leaking really bad.

 side views of the bolter arm and plague axe arm.
i only oozed up the blades of the axe and very little on the axe itself,
i didn't wanna make it a total mess.

 few work -in-progress pics

 this fellow is my first of three Terminators with magnetized range weapon arms.
this Blightlord with be armed with a Blight Launcher and then also a Combi-Plasma Gun.

more to come with this project..
three down, two to go.


  1. These look incredible! Good and goopy!

    1. Thanks man. I'm redoing my Death Guard power armor marines with the goop paint also.

  2. Replies
    1. yes it is, i was hesitate at first to use it but i watched a few videos on it
      and yeah it worth the $$$

  3. Replies
    1. the Nurgle's Rot technical paint is great, i recommend it.


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