Blightlords ready for battle

finally finishing up my Blightlord Terminators for my 40k Kill Team.
i have to admit these were a pain in the ass at first,
but once i got a groove for them it actually became a fun project.
 i painted this fat bastard last because i know this was gonna be a fun paint.
just seeing his bloated body busting out of his armor was gonna be neat to paint.

his ranged weapon is also magnetized so i am able to switch out from
his plague spewer to a combi-flamer.

this miniature i was actually not anxious to do.
these GW miniatures now these days are so damn detailed its intimidating.

 when i went to paint the fly-parts of this miniature,
i didn't want to do a traditional blackish gray fly in a way.
so i went with a purplish base and then faint of red highlight.
give it some character.

his autocannon arm is magnetized so i am able to swap out this for his combi-bolter.


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