the Sevenfold Contagion

new addition to my 40k Kill Team.
i added a squad of Blightlord Terminators.
with about two-thirds of them,
i magnetized their right arms so i can swap in and out weapons for
missions or certain situations.

the Sevenfold Contagion

Blightlord Terminator Champion - Ghulgus Cystkin
"the Festering Headsman of Virulent Boons"
wargear: Combi-Meltagun, Balesword

Blightlord Terminator - Ebolos Poxsore
wargear: Combi-Bolter, Bubonic Axe

Blightlord Terminator - Choleronellus Glopmuck
wargear: Balesword and ranged weapons.

Blightlord Terminator - Vyridius Maggotborn
"the Flyblown Champion of the Incubatch Grave Gardens"
wargear: Balesword and ranged weapons

Blightlord Terminator - Thromb Goitershield
"the Bloated Desecrator"
wargear: Bubonic Axe and ranged weapons.


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