Blightlord Terminators WiP

so recently my loving girlfriend bought me the Dolorous Strain Kill Team box set.
and at first i was kinda overwhelmed on how well these miniatures were sculpted.
so much detail like the Death Guard space marines, my good friend said,
"these aren't miniatures, these are models. if there is numbers on the sprue and directions these are not miniatures."
and damn if he wasn't right.

eight or nine pieces alone for the Blightlord Champion,
back in the day Terminators had 3-4 pieces, even a character in Terminator Armor.
but anyways, i went and put together the champion and primed him and went and did the same method of base coloring the miniature like i did with my Death Guard.

 thinning down a green and brown paints with water, creating a wash.
covering the model with a green and letting it dry and then going back over it with the brown.

here are several pics of the finished Champion.
after i completed the "model" i went back and added the Citadel Technical paint, Nurgle's Rot.
 adds slime and gives a yucky feeling to the character.

 since you can only field so much after going through the plastics and the instruction booklet,
there were so many weapon options and i felt greedy and wanted them all.
i actually contemplated of buying another box set of Blightlord Terminators but i decided against it.
so i went and glued together some parts and weapons.
i drilled out some holes and magnetized the ranged weapon arms and the torso pieces.
so the Terminators with the heavy weapons also have the option of using a combi-weapon.
 sometimes you don't need big guns every time.

 here are some pics of the work-in-progress with the magnetized weapons.

 Terminator with combi-flamer and plague spewer
 Terminator with combi-bolters and autocannon

and Terminator with combi-plasma gun and blight launcher

i'm not gonna lie, naming these characters is gonna be fun as hell.
especially the fly looking fellow and the bloated fat marine with the plague spewer.


  1. Lovely stuff, just lovely. Great goop, which works really well as Nurgle rot. Wonderful work :-)


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