Death by Goat Chickens - 40k Kill Team

had a fun time playing some 40k Kill Team with friend Jayson and his Thousand Sons.
despite losing, i had a lot of fun and my friend was getting kick out of his new Kill Team also.
and also learn some thing about my own Kill Team and the general rules of the game.

even though the dice were not in my favor today,
least i got to use my Death Guard dice.

 Thousands Sons deployment

 my girlfriend took a picture,
her first time watching me game and watch a full game being played out
she thought it was neat and cute...not sure how cute this was....
anyways in the pic..
the Death Guard advance and i did manage to take out a follower of Tzeentch.

 Death Guard advance.

 taking wounds.

 taking a beating from the Tzaangors...
or the chicken goat f***ks.

 looking down the barrel of a soulreaper cannon.

 the chicken goat bastards giving the Death Guard Champion and another marine a run for their money.

and then there was one.
taken out by the Aspiring Sorcerer.

i learn a lot of squad composition and among other things being my first real
one on one Kill Team game.

hopefully next time i get pull out a win instead of the entrails of my Death Guard Champion.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks man, had lots of fun. i need revenge on those beastman things

  2. Great paintjob and writeups ya beautiful cunt. Your pal Jayson sounds like a top shagger an all!


  3. Great game bud! Thanks for having me over.

    1. Hell yeah. It was a good game. My dice throws were terrible though.


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