
finding one giant worm miniature from the vast hoard of miniatures and models several weeks, i got an idea of doing a monster scenario for a pulp game. last year a good friend ran a Terror in the Antarctic and had 3d printed monsters made after those from the movie "Tremors." i was gonna have some Tremor creatures printed, but instead i just went and ordered several more of the giant worm since i had one already. figured i could use them in my pulp games as well as my fantasy and sci-fi games. with these worms i used Games Workshop Citadel paints. i primed them with Grey Seer spray paint. i applied a nice coat of Guilliman Flesh contrast paint all over the model. once dried i went back and did a second coat along the sides and around the mouth opening of the worms. after everything was dried i gave a very generous coat of Nuln Oil, i tend to use the glossy kind. with the teeth, i did a coat of Tallarn Sand and then back over them with Kislev Flesh. members of the Knights of t...