Recovering Artifacts

 today is my girlfriend's birthday.
and so i thought it would be nice to host a game to where she and her boys
would team up and play as a recovering team that landed on a deserted ship to find artifacts.

four teams of three would scour the ship for these items.
each item recovered is worth victory points,
but the main victory is to survive and escape the ship with the artifacts.
i used a modified version of Fistful of Lead for a rule set.

with all the excitement and having too much fun and didn't think of taking a lot of pics.
but with what pics that were taken, they were taken by Rita,
i think she does a better job at it than me.

the recovering teams arrive on a elevator.

i wanted to have these teams to find the artifacts but have some kind of a resistance.
i used the game mechanic of blip markers from the Space Hulk game.
i did this because of the shock factor it produces when revealed how many aliens are incoming and the faces of Rita's boys' faces is priceless.

Rita's and Lincoln's teams searching the corridors and rooms for the artifacts.
in the background, Xavier was being hammered by lurking aliens.
have to admit he was holding his own.
Xavier killed most aliens throughout the game session.

one of several waves of ravenous maw that would attack Xavier's team.
the aliens would be randomly spawned from three nodes on the board,
just seemed like most of them came out of an area near Xavier.

Sam's team went a different directions to where most of the artifacts were.
he also was hunted down by a horrible monster that would appear and reappear through the air ducts from above.
throughout the game Sam recovered the most artifacts among the other players.

Sam's team being pinned down by a group of aliens.

as the game started to coming to the end,
the teams were making their way back to the elevator but i had each player at
the end of their activation roll a d10 and if a four or less was rolled the elevator would
leave the present floor,
which would leave team members stranded behind.

members of the recovering teams making their way back to the elevator.

overall only a few members died,
several team members made it off the ship,
and it came down to one member each from Sam's and Xavier's team.

Xavier was able to get his last guy off the board but Sam was left behind and died.
Xavier felt bad because i made him roll for the elevator.
he rolled bad and Sam was left behind.
anyways at the end,
everyone had fun.


  1. Fun looking game. Good to see you getting some time in with the kids.

    1. haha thanks. everyone had a lot of fun.

    2. This looks awesome! How did you balance things? FFOL doesn't have a point system, if I remeber well. Did you do a dry run?

    3. so what I did was depending on players, I gave each player three characters. no real traits or anything special, except there was no range restrictions or modifiers. all shooting is done on a roll of 6+ on 1d10.
      the bugs had one wound instead of three.
      I used the blip counters from Space Hulk signifying the number of aliens that are approaching. once the counter is in line of sight the counter stops moving and is revealed how many aliens was coming. crew members are able to snap fire once this happens on a roll of 8+ on 1d10.
      that's pretty much it.


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