Blaster Rifles and Cold Blood - Fistful of Lead

 about a month ago a member of the Wiley Games facebook page,
posted pics and a small summary of a game they did using
Fistful of Lead: Galactic Heroes and FFoL: Fantasy rules.

and reading the post and checking out the pics
it tickled a creative bone inside me.

they had space orks crash onto a medieval planet,
and had to collect spilled oil around the table while fighting off
the inhabitants of the land.

having been working on my lizardmen,
i figured i'll use them as the primitive inhabitants of the land
and use my recently finished Brotherhood figs from Warzone game from the 90's.

just a basic game nothing much.
search and destroy and kill one another.
i knew it was gonna be one sided but i had high hopes.

layout of the table.

the inquisitive Brotherhood,
looking to spread the word.

the lizardmen

a few shots,
and made an archer shaken.

the Brotherhood forms a line of defense.

trying to regroup, one takes off running.

the lizardmen on the move.

the archers advance but gets taken out.

charging into the Brotherhood,
the lizardman takes out a member but also himself.

the Mystic of the Brotherhood with it's mysterious powers,
was able to lift a piece of the ruins to block the lizardmen.

creeping from under the mountainous tree,
lizardman charges a Sacred Warrior.
armed with a power sword he made easy work of the cold blooded reptile.

waiting for a chance to attack,
a lizardman became shaken and wounded.

the lizardmen tyrant and another coordinated an attack
on a Brotherhood trooper.
the tyrant became wounded and able to take out the trooper.

the Sacred Warrior takes his power sword to the tyrant's neck
to finish him off.

with a shaken lizardman archer left,
the Brotherhood carries on to spread the holy word.


  1. Looks like a great game! Glad my game could inspire!

    1. thanks man, think i'm gonna do a proper game sometime next month.
      i didn't really use any traits or what not, just threw a game together and see what would happen.

  2. That looks great fun. so far we've only tried Galactic Heroes (Star Wars), but the fantasy rules look fun. I'm looking forward to trying out my dwarves.

    1. it's was fun and kinda challenging. blasters vs. bows lol. can't wait to see it dwarves in action.


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