the ancient tombs begin to stir..

 over the last few months i have been collecting
here and there pretty much anything related to mummies.

but overall more and more i play within the pulp 1920-30's..and sometimes early 40's,
in the middle eastern setting i have been stretching out and wanting to do some ancient Egyptian adventures.

i did have three mummies from an old Dark World board game,
but to me having three in the same pose was kinda lame.
so i got me a nine pack of Reaper Miniatures mummies.
three different poses and nine..i am quite please with it all.

Pharaoh Khem-hotep II and his wife Shukura.
a fair and just ruler of the land of the Nile.
was assassinated by his general,
Merka-neshu which started somewhat of a civil unrest.
Khem-hotep II knew he couldn't defeat the general because Merka-neshu
had the loyality of the army.

the royal high priest, Nefer-amen,
who was executed by Merka-neshu,
for still being loyal to the royal court even after the death of the Pharaoh.
it was Nefer-amen who secretly wrote a tome of incredible power that
has the ability to bring the dead back to life,
and even bring other beings into our own existent.

there is a cult of followers that almost worship this mad man,
has endured so much over the hundreds of years and has unlock the
ability to bring him back to life.....

Merka-neshu, the general of the army of the
Pharaoh Khem-hotep II.
he assassinated the Pharaoh and wanted the power for himself,
to rule over Egypt.
unbeknownst to the general, the wife Shukura knew the plot of her husband's doom
and took his and her own life before Merka-neshu's assassins could complete his
first steps towards total conquest.
the high priest was the one who provided the poison for the both to ingest.

the undead in the three different poses.
these came out really well in my opinion.
primed in an off white,
a nice coat of a tan color and then a dry brush of a nice solid shade of white.
went back through to pick out any details like bones or rotting flesh.
then gave them a nice Nuln Oil bath. simple.

i picked up this fellow for a future project.
i really don't want to give much away in explaining why
he is painted black in such a way.
but i will say, i found the perfect miniature for the ultimate evil.

few hordes of rats.
these are mainly for my necromancer group for Fistful of Lead: Tales of Horror game.
they are from Wizkids Deep Cuts unpainted line.

and these ghouls are also like the swarm of rats,
are for my Fistful of Lead: Tales of Horror necromancer group.
unlike all the others, the ghouls are from Games Workshop's recent
Blackstone Fortress board game.


  1. What a simply fantastic array of Mummy-based goodness. Love the Mummies, and a great call to break up the horde with some additional poses. Those swarm of rats are particularly eye-catching too - great sculpt from the looks of things, and a terrific paint-job on them too.

    1. much appreciated. having way too much fun with these.
      those swarms, I thought were gonna be a pain to paint but I reckon they came out well in the end.

  2. Very nice work on those mummies!

    1. thanks, nothing much to them. maybe four steps and done.


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