a monster mash of sorts!

just a few things i been working on.
been gearing up for a semi-big event in our Dungeons and Dragons group.

the current group of our D&D players.
with the deaths of the dwarf cleric and gnome warlock,
we inherited a new player, Nate as he is playing as a dragonborn fighter,
and Chris returning with a half-elf dhampir ranger.

was able to get the other bard i had sitting around complete.
used him in a recent session as a bard with a little known curse.......

.....a truly fearsome werewolf.
i took one of my werewolves from my collection and re-based it so it would match
and fit in with my Wizkids collection.

bought a bucket of jungle animals from Wal-Mart and started with this snake.
based it and just added a black wash over it once or twice.
i really did not want to get fancy with scale patterns and such.
maybe on the next one i do i'll give it a go.

a barbarian runs into a giant snake.

wanted to do something with these old chaos warrior plastic warriors
since i had quite a bit of them.
i glued several MDF 32mm bases together to make plinths and then
one under a warrior.
base coat black and dry brush silver.

and then did two more warriors with the bases to match the other D&D figures.
i made them like this so i can run a session with either just armor statues
or animated armor coming to life and attacking whoever.

group of adventurers being ambushed by animated suits of armor.

more to come...


  1. Great work! Very nice use of the toy snake especially.

    1. thanks man. hopefully I'll get more out of the bucket of toys. some just look out of scale and too big.


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