darkness within Andorhal - FFoL: Fantasy

after a failing attempt,
suggestions were brought up to send in some barbarians
into the manor to clear house.

members of the Greyhorn tribe,
Asgrim, tribe leader,
and Bolmunn and Ghi.

as the tribe advances cautiously,
they find a lurking ghoul.

Bolmunn made quick work of the ghoul with his two-handed axe.

Asgrim searches and feels there might be a hidden door.
Bolmunn and Meymis look for a hidden mechanism to open the door, and
with success reveals a hidden stairwell.

"well, Hornsby has hired some muscle to take me out?!
I bet you all love a good fight?
I guess...I welcome you all to my arena,
too bad this will be your end!"

from the left room,
a few zombies and a ghoul.

what could of been an easy fight,
became a blood bath.

after everything said and done, two members of the Greyhorn survived,
with minor wounds.

from the room on the right hand side, a half ogre emerges.
the two barbarians

on making his shaken test,
Bolmunn made haste to fight another day,
leaving Meymis by herself to meet her own demise.

"I protect master, I did good?!"

"Yes you did my champion.
but there is more to do.
You can be better....."


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