Spanish Gold! - FFoL: Reloaded

this past weekend my girlfriend Rita and i gave a go at playing Fistful of Lead: Wild West. i don't have much western terrain but i made out with what i had on hand. wasn't to sure how condensed or spread out i should of placed the buildings but i think it all came together rather fine. we didn't play any scenarios in the rulebook, so we just scattered some gold tokens across the table and see who was able to end up with the most pieces of spanish gold. Henry Burnett sneaks on top the roof, and tries to take a shot at the indian across town. Burnett takes a fatal shot. Eli McKinney sneaking around a building, attempting to get the drop on anyone. Perkins climbs to get e better shot, but is taken down, but not before he takes out another outlaw. a death in the streets from multiple sides. such an exchange of gunfire. it was at this moment i went back to the rulebook and was curious what shock markers did in FFoL" Wild West and i was dead wrong. in the book there are mo...