boomtown is booming

 first set of wild west buildings completed.
rather pleased on how these came out.
i was actually kinda worried i would screw these up.

instead of just putting paint straight up on the buildings,
i watered down the paint so it kinda looks like a faded paint job since the
environment is harsh.

"three on one, odds aren't in your favor..."
"that's fine, i'll see you all in hell!"

i have one building i screwed up on because when i ordered it,
i selected it to have the lettering of sheriff,
i didn't realize there was an actual sheriff building with nicer lettering and
some stars to make it unique.
so i might go down to a craft store and find some small wooden letters and
either do  a sheriff or something else.
we'll see what i can come up with.

i think my next set of buildings i'll get will be a sheriff office, bank,
few stores, and possibly a hotel.
when ordering buildings my OCD kicks in and make sure i get a nice assorted styles
in buildings and such, just so everything doesn't look the same.
and eventually i want to get scattered terrain pieces like troughs, horse posts,
more crates and barrels, and some cactus.

more to come....


  1. Replies
    1. thanks, I ordered another set of buildings so hopefully I'll be gaming properly soon.


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