the Well of Lost Stars

 with my D&D group's campaign came to a conclusion last weekend,
i needed some thing to let the one group of characters to transfer from my campaign
to a fellow group member, Jon's campaign.

so i thought what i could do or even use for an easy transfer.
i thought i'll use a plot device to teleport the group of heroes to where the
next campaign will begin.

the Well of Lost Stars.

the main part of this terrain piece was part of a failed 3-d print of the Stargate,
from the movie of the same name.
i have another piece that was printed just not as thicker,
i might make it into another Well.

the band of heroes investigates the Well of Lost Stars.
"what could this be?" the tricky rogue, Usagi asked curiously.

to make the green substance is basically some amount of paint and Elmer's glue.
i took a light shade of green and mixed it in the glue,
then i filled the inside area with the mixed glue and finally added a
few dots of a darker green.
i ran a toothpick around, in a way to mix the two shades and sat it aside to dry.
it took roughly two-three days for the glue to completely dry.

death from behind, he will never see it coming...


  1. That looks awesome, and is a great use of a failed print. Love the vortex effect inside it too. Inspiring to see a failed 3D print put to such terrific use, especially as its helped become the focal point to an upcoming new D&D adventure. Good work all round.

    1. thank you very much. was kinda tired seeing it there waste away and thought just make a portal like device.

  2. Great stuff. Transferring campaigns is sometimes tricky, but it looks as if you handled this very 'well'.

    1. haha thanks. it pretty much was a last minute decision on how to transfer the campaign setting, but i will take compliments any way possible. lol.


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