the last rites of Nefer-amen - Fistful of Lead

was able to squeeze in a game of Fistful of Lead with Rita the other day along with her oldest son, Lonnie. i wanted to try out another game system instead D&D while using the Tenfold Dungeon temple set from Gale Force Nine. i promise every game won't be with this temple set, i just love this product and i figure more i use it, it's almost advertising how well it works with whatever you play along with it. this time around i wanted to play a pulp themed game using the Fistful of Lead rules and see how well everything meshed since it wasn't going to be a normal table setup. layout of the temple to be explored. the adventurers (from l to r): Hando Solomon, Javier, Harrison Jones, Rita Lynn, Garrett Cunningham, and a few members of the Knights of the Crescent Moon. the party prepping to explore the temple. a turn for the worst.. the group runs into giant rats... very large rats. a very tenacious and stubborn giant rat. nearly took several attempts of gunfire to be taken...