the gold of San Venganza - Perlious Tales

 was kind of bored today so i took out my Perilous Tales material and
set up a nice little game.
one reason i love this game is that you can almost create a game using any genre with it.
this time around i wanted to do a wild west episode.

in an abandoned town of San Venganza there are rumors of lost gold and treasures.
those who went out to find it never made it back.
a group of outlaws make their way to the place where stories of ghosts haunting the
empty buildings and guarding the gold.

but those are just stories...

layout of the table.

fearless gang of outlaws.,
William Batts, Scarlett Doyle, Mr. Eastwood, Preston, and O' Connell.

the objectives.

right in the beginning of the game the gang came across someone who was hostile.
another person out here trying to find the gold.

after a successful parley the gang convince the old man to join them and
work together.

the stories were true!
this town is filled with ghosts and wandering spirits.

after ridding spirit another one appears.

after some bad dice rolling the entire gang had to make some horror checks
which a few failed.

after getting rid of some more ghosts the esoteric artifact was found.

after a really bad threat check, all hell breaks loose.
the main villain, the ghast was revealed.

after a round or two, the outlaws were able to take out the ghast and score some
victory points.

with fulfilling all three of my objectives, which i can say never happened before,
and having everyone in my gang surviving,
was able to end the game with 11vp which is a rank A performance.
a truly heroic performance!!


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