more miscellaneous miniatures for D&D

 just some pictures of some more interesting creatures and characters i was able
to get on the table for another successful D&D adventure last weekend.

some heroes battle a hill giant.

ever come across a figure you weren't looking for in particular but a light bulb went
off in your head and all of a sudden you needed one.
i was looking for a giant figure and then saw this fellow.
a prepainted hill giant from Wizkids.
he's not very large compare to other giants so in my head i figured this fellow could
be a hill giant that has a strength of hundred men,
but the mentality of a five year old.

another figure to add to my evil wizards collection i currently have going on.
this miniature is another from Next Level Miniatures.

"I have taken notice that the elf is still alive,
so once again you have failed us."

painted this goblin mage with the traditional green skin and
also a Next Level Miniature.

needed some desert animals,
i found some toy elephants at my local Wal-Mart.
i repainted them to they wouldn't look so manufactured with the rest of
my figure collection.

some local traders selling some items to a few adventurers.

with the past Dungeons and Dragons session we had the group ended up at some
central hub of trade and commerce.
in my head i was picturing a more elaborate version of Jabba's palace from
Return of the Jedi.

with the heroic group being introduced to the owner of the establishment,
a very large loxodon named Grumblehorn.

with one of the large rooms from the Tenfold Dungeons temple set,
had a fountain placed on the one side.
to cover it up i went back to find image of a rug i had saved on my computer and
edited it and created a large rug to covered the unwanted water fountain.

a scene we played out where a fight broke out between the dwarf cleric and
the barbarian minotaur while the skyboat is in flight.
good times!!

more to come!


  1. Nice additions to the collection! Grumblehorn on his throne looks great!

    1. thanks, unfortunately I didn't paint the Grumblehorn/throne but he is a great center piece for any gaming adventure.

  2. Those look great, and I'm sure they'll be very useful in your games.

    1. thanks. the hill giant already has a life of his own. a group favorite so far.


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