dungeons, dragons, and the british

 continuing this week of diving into Sliver Bayonet game the other day i received a box
of british riflemen from Wargames Atlantic.
i guess like everyone else i wanted to make a unit of riflemen that is featured in the
british television show, Sharpe.
along with these i have also a box of french infantry and an order of creatures and monsters
for Silver Bayonet still to be delivered.

but i also got some more figures painted from Historicon the other week and others
that were lying around gathering dust.

even though i can only use so many out of this set, maybe i'll make some zombies
or revenants with them.
the french infantry plastic set that is on it's way i plan on making maybe 10-15
undead soldiers from that box. 

a ghoul from the Wizkids Frameworks minature line.
this particular fellow is a character who was killed in our Dungeons and Dragons campaign
that somehow cheated death.
can't wait to drop this ghoul on the unsuspecting party. 

a vampire lord from Next Level Miniatures.

a few of us had a small D&D session last weekend since half the group couldn't make it.
an argument breaks out in the library among mages. 

another cool miniature from Next Level Miniature, this one is a death knight.
i have to admit i really do like the figures Next Level Miniatures produces.
little cleaning and easy to paint.

a red dragonborn fighter from Wizkids.
i swapped out the axe head and clipped off the shield and replaced it with
an oldhammer shield.

more chaos, this time within the guild hall of the Inquisitive League of the Royal Crown.
when you get a chance to confront those who have killed you,
you cast a devastating spell.

a large and very weighty metal figure from Ral Partha.
Rita found this in a bin of miscellaneous miniatures and loose bits as it was pay by the ounce.
this figure i guess is a forest troll of some sorts, least thats what i think,
is one piece and i totally forgot how much of a pain it is to paint a large metal piece.

when i was younger i wanted all my stuff metal.
now that i'm older i appreciate plastic a lot more.


  1. Great stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the British.
    The D&D minis are great, I'll have to check them out.
    What's the library floor plan? The book shelves look like Mantic's Terrain Crate, and the floor plan looks familiar, but I can't place it.

    1. thanks buddy. prob paint the brits first.
      yeah all the interior scattered terrain for the most part is Terrain Crate, the floor plans are from Crooked Staff Publishing and these can be found on Wargame Vault.


      the ones i use are from their basic dungeon tile sets. they are pay what you want.
      i did cut some to create longer rooms. hope this helps.

    2. Ah yes, Crooked Staff. Great stuff. I like his latest Dungeon in a box

  2. Marvellous posting, especially as I'm currently hooked on Silver Bayonet myself. I think your Wizkids Ghoul would make a smashing replacement for the Hobgoblin in the game's opening scenario - so I may well have to track one down myself.

    1. thank you very much, i bought a bunch of Next Level Miniatures for the monsters for Silver Bayonet. I didn't want to sink a lot of $$$ into it.


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