lrn2play: the Silver Bayonet co/op

 bought the Silver Bayonet rulebook few weeks ago and was excited to get into it,
about a week or so later i ordered a few plastic sets of french and british soldiers.
i put together a french unit but got into watching the tv show Sharpe that
i got totally invested into building and painting a unit of british rifles.

fast forward to a day off with Rita, i asked if she wanted to try out this new game.
and also in time i got some new terrain from Gale Force Nine,
actual trees for a forest landscape. heh.

layout of the table.
we played the solo scenario, the ruined chapel.
where revenants haunt a chapel, which i don't particularly have in my terrain collection,
and vampires stalk the night.

with the "so-called" chapel in the middle and surrounded by clue markers that we need
to investigate certain items, grave markers are occupied by revenants at the
beginning of the game.

95th led by Lt. Sharpe and his Chosen Men,
with a small unit led by Capt. Harper and a few more of the Chosen Men.

Rita deployed her men facing the haunted grounds of the chapel.

Lt. Sharpe comes in from the side.
after the first turn started i regretted splitting my unit.

i went to assist Rita with her undead problem.
i think for the first time we as a group were really blowing the dice rolls.
we couldn't hit or even damage to save our lives.

end of turn one, i had a revenant come up on my commanding officer.

the other half of my unit was trying to get into the unholy ground.
and like before, i couldn't hit anything.

a whole bunch of chaos erupts out front of the chapel gate,
sacrificing one of my men for Rita against the undead, a vampire happens to appear. 

we ran out of time to see what the vampire would do.
Rita had Capt. Harper fired his volley gun but missed all shots.

overall we had a blast.
once i get the french unit done then Rita and i will go head-to-head.
try to go through the scenarios in the rulebook and make the best of it.


  1. Looking good! I keep thinking about picking up Silver Bayonet (and doing Sharpe and his lads) but I'm iffy about picking up another period.

    1. I honestly had the same thought, but I figured since I have most of the monsters/creatures that I'll just buy a few plastic sets of soldiers and make whatever I can out of those. so I don't go over board.

  2. Terrific start, Mr. Martin. So pleased to see you so enthused with Silver Bayonet. How do the Mantic zombies scale up with your 95th Rifles. They look good together in the pics.

    1. thanks, the Mantic stuff scales pretty well with the 95th rifles figs.
      they also scale well with Perry Miniatures.


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