monsters and more british

 at first i did not want to spend a lot on the Silver Bayonet but i caught the
bug and now i am looking into and want to do a warband of russians.
but for now last week i got a box of redcoats for expanding the 95th i already have
and also create a solid unit of soldiers along with other recruits.

once again i picked up a box of Perry Miniatures, this time british line infantry.
also with this box i was able to make a few extra characters like a veteran hunter,
a supernatural investigator, and another character from the Sharpe tv show.

still need to paint my french unit and i will admit i am kinda intimidated because i want
to do justice with the correct uniform colors and such. 

in between assembling the units for Silver Bayonet i have been painting the creatures and
monsters for the game also.
about 99% of the monsters i got for this game are from Next Level Miniatures.
pretty much the reason why is because they are cheap and cost effective.

some ghosts to haunt the final resting ground for the fallen.

Next level Miniatures had this Glabrezu and didn't realize it was a demon in D&D,
i was thinking this crab demon would do good for Silver Bayonet.
so now i have something for both games.

a ghastly ghoul.

a troll hulk roaming the hillside looking for human flesh to eat!

Lt. Sharpe and the Chosen Men run into a troll in the woods.
it may not be a cave troll...but a troll is a troll!!


  1. Another great update to your Silver Bayonet project. Those monsters look first-rate, and having paid their website a visit I can see why you like them so much. I think the ghosts you've painted are particularly awesome looking - especially with your green palette.

    1. thank you so much.
      Next Level Miniatures in my opinion is a great choice for inexpensive and decent looking figures.
      there are some cleaning up but still i always keep the $$$ in mind.
      i slapchop and use Army Painter speedpaints on everything. the ghosts were done by layering shades of green.

      start with a dark shade and let dry then go back and drybrush a thin coat of white acrylic paint. after that i go over that with a lighter shade of green until i think it looks good enough.

  2. These look great! I'll echo Blaxkleric's comment, the green of the ghosts is excellent. They look like they're glowing!

    1. thank you very much.
      just a few layers of shade and drybrushing


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