painting project for friend

several weeks ago i asked if any of my gaming buddies needed help getting
their heaps of metal and plastics painted.
was offered some money for my help and time for my work.

so here's pics of the project.

first set of miniatures to be painted.

 tentacles from a sea creature.
pieces are from Ral Partha.

Terrorbird, a Ral Partha miniature with wings.
while i have 3 of the same miniature..i did not find wings.

Ral Partha velociraptors miniatures.
haven't decided on a color scheme but did tease my friend,
i'm gonna paint one like Blue from Jurassic World. 😀

WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur's Marvelous Miniature: Troll.
this one is gonna be fun to paint. 

 ogres and rock elemental from Gripping Beast miniatures

 spiders could be Ral Partha.
these are gonna be interested,
having requested different paint schemes from normal browns/blacks,
to fire spiders and ice spiders.

 undead miniatures from Frostgrave.
these will be fun to do,
gonna remind me of my Warhammer Undead days back in 3rd edition.

more to come on this project...


  1. Awesome! Thats a nice variety to put the brush to!

  2. Plenty to keep you busy and enough variety to prevent monotony kicking in!

  3. yea this will be a learning process and a fun one at that.


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