troll and a rock elemental

 first two pieces i have finished for my friend,
first off is a rock elemental from North Star Military Figures.

 gray primer and then a generous black wash.
went back over with a lighter gray to pick out the rock bumps and crevices.
then a very light black wash to give a dirty look.

next is this troll from Wizkids.
this was a first for me, never got to paint a Wizkids miniature before.
have to say i enjoyed it and looking forward to collecting some myself.
i went over the skin with a human flesh color and then used a semi bright green paint,
thinned down with water.

went back with the flesh paint and did little highlights on the skin. 
the bumps i did with the bright green to make them pop out.


  1. These both look great! Especially love the troll. You should sign and date the bottom of these guys too.

    1. Roshon is gonna base them once he gets them, but least i have pics on here with dates.

  2. They both turned out rather excellent!

    1. thanks man, im rather pleased how they turned out.


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