old Citadel Chaos Snake Men

recently received a handful of fantasy miniatures from a good friend and to my surprised,
in the bunch were several very old Citadel figures.
these miniatures were out before i even played Warhammer back in 1996.
after doing some research, these miniatures came out in 1985.
they were called Chaos Snakemen.

 while i was looking these up on the net, was hoping to find a pic from an old Citadel catalog.
to find a catalog pic like this was really cool, knowing these came out when i was five years old.

matching the miniatures to the pic i was missing only one,
the S'lon Life Smasher.
but to be honest i don't mind. just having these is a real treat. i love old Citadel miniatures.

to be honest the sculpts were a pain in the ass to figure out where armor ended and other pieces of clothing began. but overall i am pleased how these came out and hopefully i can have them on the table soon.


  1. Nicely done dude! The red suits them and gives a nice contrast to the armour.

    1. thank you, i wanted to do something other than normal typical green.


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