Space Marine Terminator Chaplain for Space Hulk [ver.2.0]

with the new edition of Space Hulk board game
i plan on replacing the Blood Angel Terminators with Terminators from another chapter.
not sure which chapter yet.
reasons why, one the miniatures u get in the box set are so damn detail it actually hurts my eyes trying to find all the small detail work to paint and two, i just do not the Blood Angels. 
i also will get a new Terminator Librarian,
but i wanted to add a new character to the game which is a Terminator Chaplain.

after finding a pdf of expansion campaigns that were released specifically for iPad
i went through them and found no rules for Chaplains.
so i wrote some home brew rules for them:

Veteran of a Thousand Wars: add +2 to the dice roll for close assault in the same manner
as a Space Marine Sergeant. the +2 is added in the close assault data profile below.

Rosarius: a rosarius is a symbol of office for the Chaplains of the Space Marines alongside the crozius. a rosarius normally takes the form of an amulet or signet ring of adamantium usually shaped into the form of the Imperial Aquila or a Gothic Cross with a jewel in the centre, and houses a powerful protective Conversion Field emitter, protecting the Space Marine Chaplain from attacks both physical and psychic.
 To represent this, -1 to the enemy's shooting rolls and psychic attack rolls that target the Chaplain.

Litanies of Battle: Space Marine Chaplains are exemplars of righteous wrath. Powerful orators and accomplished warriors both, they provide bellicose counsel to their comrades and act as spiritual bastions for their Chapter.

space marine player may pay 2 command points to perform one of the following litanies per turn
if they still have a Chaplain in play.
each litany lasts until the beginning of the following Space Marine player's turn:

Catechism of Fire: the Chaplain calls upon his brothers to unleash a relentless storm of close-range firepower. To represent this, the Chaplain and all Space Marines in the same section and/or within three squares of the Chaplain adds +1 to shooting dice rolls.

Exhortation of Rage: the Chaplain bellows his fury at the enemy, his brothers surging forwards to strike them down in close combat. To represent this, the Chaplain and all Space Marines in the same section as the Chaplain adds +1 to close assault dice rolls.

Litany of Faith: the Chaplain exhorts his charges to steel themselves against even the most dangerous weapons the enemy can bring to bear. To represent this, Chaplain and all other Space Marines fight all the harder because of the words that are spoken. When resolving a close assault in the same section and/or within three squares of the Chaplain, the Space Marine side wins the close assault if the scores are tied.

Canticle of Hate: Bellowing his hatred of the foe, the Chaplain leads his brothers in the wholesale destruction of the enemy. To represent this, the Chaplain and all Space Marines in the same section and/or within three squares of the Chaplain may re-roll one dice when either shooting or during close assault. must accept the second result.


  1. I know what you mean about over detailed minis. I find that a lot with recent GW stuff in particular. They are superbly detailed, but I'm worried about not doing them justice.That's probably why I like my Oldhammer collection lol.

    1. sadly i never returned to this project of redoing the terminators and such.
      i just think of cool ideas to expand Space Hulk time to time.
      but over all the Oldhammer 40k stuff was the best.


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