a band of adventurous misfits and more..

this past week i introduced my girlfriend's kids to Dungeons and Dragons.
i laid out all the races and classes they could be,
and helped them how to read the character sheet and such.
i made a small scenario to get their feet wet,
and also intertwined their game with kind of what was going on with the
other D&D group's campaign.
almost having an adult gaming group and the kids gaming group,
but running two campaigns along the same story line.

a band of back alley misfits just looking for work...or something to steal to get paid.
Kara Therwyn - Dragonborn Wizard,
Tupac - Tabaxi Ranger,
Feldspar Corundum - Dwarf Cleric,
Stephan Albrecht - Human Rogue.

hopefully there will be many adventures with this band of misfits.
if they don't kill each other first.

i bought a pack of Wizkids D&D miniatures awhile back and all i wanted in
the pack was the wererat.
as the package was labeled "Wererat and Weretiger"
i was kinda discouraged because i knew painted tiger stripes was gonna be a pain.
so i figured why can't i paint it like a black panther.
a little white drybrush and some color.
since i didn't have a dragonborn ranger for Rita's youngest in their D&D game
i told him about this and he approved. 👍

i found an old  GW warhammer fantasy skaven miniature at the bottom
of a box of bitz.
painted him up and figured i have another npc character for a future session.
now i have someone to herd around my giant rats.

after painting this guy,
now i'm on the hunt for more classic old school skaven figures.

after painting the first half ogre for a D&D session game,
i went back and found another one to paint quickly.
this time i glued some spiky bits on the club,
and painted him slightly different.


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