legion of undead

still plugging away at the mess of undead miniatures i still have.

these skeletons are from the Undead Encounter pack from Mantic Games.
i went with a simple color scheme,
i didn't want to spend a lot of time on them.

the so called leader of the group.
with the simple color and shading these came out nicely.
i might go back and retouch the eyes,
maybe add a green glow or redness in the eye sockets.

rest of the group.
way these came out i might purchase another pack of these,
add more to the more ranks.

Beholder Zombie.
this fellow was fun to paint.
cannot wait to unleash this on my D&D group.
(insert evil laugh here)

Crawling Claws.
wanted to make some low CR creatures for this weekend's game,
and since the group is heading to a den of evil what better way than this.
made from dismembered hands from an old GW zombie plastic set.

last year i came across some board games called Dark World,
and the miniatures were pretty cool to use elsewhere in my table top games.
so i used this ogre as a half ogre since he is actually smaller than
the Wizkids Ogre miniature.


  1. I like how the skellies turned out. Black, grey, bone and metal sounds like it might be pretty flat but it looks solid. Did you ink them with an army painter tone? Are they plastics?

    1. thanks, they are plastic, and i gave them a generous bath in Citadel Nuln Oil.
      im kinda a sucker for it.

  2. These look great Mr Martin - I did some skeletons myself a few months back for a pulp collection I am building up - I used both Warlord and Wargames Atlantic plastic multipart figures.

    1. thanks. still need to get me some German zombies for my pulp collection.

  3. Excellent. The skeletons and beholder are particularly good. I had a copy of Dark World too, for the minis rather than the game. That plastic centrepiece makes a nice bit o terrain for Frostgrave, I must get it built and painted sometime.

    1. thank you very much, i have another beholder zombie in the works as a special character.
      Dark World seem cool, but building it and taking it apart was a bit for me.
      that center piece is cool for terrain. i used the manticore figures as statues for my middle eastern/desert terrain set up.

    2. Consider your statue idea stolen.

    3. haha, nice.
      look for posts titled These Aren't the Ladies You're Looking For! - Fistful of Lead, Jan 2023
      and the League of Thousand Sons, Jan 2022.
      those have some pics of what i did with those manitcores.


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