march of the zombies

back in November '22 i did a handful of zombies for my pulp collection,
this time around i figured i want a small horde of the
walking dead for my D&D collection.

using the zombie sprue from Mantic Games.
i really like these even though you only get three on one plastic sprue,
you still get a wide range of options on how you want to pose your
new undead playthings.

i had three painted and completed months ago but forgot how i painted them.
when i got more recently i grab the previous three and gave them a green
paint bath using Games Workshop contrast Ork Flesh,
so they would of at least looked the same.

on the plastic sprue there are options if you want a zombie coming out of the ground
or have a walking legs with a spine.
i couldn't resist and went with the walking legs. haha!
too awesome!

can't wait to have a D&D session and release these on my unsuspecting players.


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