Jafar Alhazred

for some time now i purchased the miniature wanting him to be a leader for my
faction of assassins and cultists known as the League of the Thousands Sons.
but never posted any pics once i had him painted.
he is from Reaper Miniatures labeled as Aziz Al-Jawar, human sorcerer, sku #02426.

right off the back i used the Disney character Jafar as a reference for painting this miniature.
i didn't keep the original name that Reaper labeled him,
i went with Jafar Alhazred,
keeping the first name of the Disney character, also using the last name of the character
from H.P. Lovecraft's stories, Abdul Alhazred.

"Over there, do you see it!?"
"is it real?"

"Grant me such powers, I command it!!"


  1. This figure has been on my "oh, I should pick him up at some point" list of Reaper figures for ages now. Great work!

    1. haha, thanks. i have such a list still of "dang i need this one...and this one."

  2. Excellent. I'll look out for him as well.
    Now I'm wondering if Disney will do another remake of Aladin, this time with the Mythos included.

    1. thanks, haha I don't know if I wanna see anymore remakes from Disney, especially if it includes certain Mythos that I hold dear to my heart.


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