statues, monuments and more for tabletop

 been making some statues for scatter pieces of terrain
out of miniatures that either i have no use for or just doesn't fit
in my collections i got going at the moment.

most of the miniatures that i am using as scatter pieces were from the
hobby haul i got few years back.

one of the coolest monuments i wanted to do was using an old but cool as hell
Death Dealer miniature from Ral Partha from 1977.

added him to a 50mm base with a black base coat and a few
generous coats of FolkArt Antique Gold paint.
then attached to a ice tea bottle top and finally glued to a jewelry box.

pics of the Death Dealer before being modified into a statue.

also came across a Skeletor miniature out of a 1983 set from Grenadier Models.
it wasn't in scale with what MotU figures i already have so
i just made it into a fearsome statue.

this statue of a vampire of sorts.
not sure the miniature company that made this but it is nice.
for sometime now i wanted to get an additional 3x3 game mat for smaller games
or to have actual visible boundaries.
thinking of spending $50-60 on another mat i wasn't all to keen about it.
i went to Wal-Mart the other week and bought a 2'x3'x4" upholstery foam
to create sides so i can space out 3-4 foot area to game within them.

i hosted a D&D session recently and it just so happens that the party came upon
a ravine with a old roped bridge to travel across.

i still have to add more yellow and white to the side pieces to least match
the older pieces i made few years ago.

the party contemplates on whether to go across or not.

Ottolycus and Valeriya braves the thought of the bridge falling apart.


  1. That ravine set up looks great fun. Do I spy the Citadel Arcane Ruins?
    But the classic Death Dealer. Awesome

    1. yeah about two years I was able to get my hands on a set of the ruins.
      wanted that Death Dealer on a high mount to make it stand out on the table, because well it's the Death Dealer, heh.


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