the ghost of Sir Maldred, the Red Dragon

several months ago i was running my first D&D campaign and
the party found themselves in a haunted manor with a ogre mage within the halls.
but within the nooks and grannies there was a few spirits who haunted the library.
fast forward into a new campaign i wanted to not have so many undead or
dead encounters but i couldn't resist myself.

the other night i was thinking of an encounter and wanted a ghost in it
but not just any ghost, i wanted like a ghost that would make the jaws drop.

so i took a plastic Grail Knight from the classic GW Bretonnia line and
painted it like i did my other spirits few months ago.

same painting scheme,
white base coat primer, watered down light blue, and then a dry brush of white.
glued a clear plastic flying stand underneath to give it a floating effect.

the heroic band of warriors comes across the ghostly spirit of Sir Maldred,
a disgrace knight who lived in excess and corruption, but most feared
on the battle field.

so recently in our D&D campaign that is in progress,
i resurrected my dwarven war cleric and while i was writing out a new character sheet,
i was going over his spells and took Spiritual Weapon.
this spell allows the caster to create a weapon of energy to have it also damage foes.

i made one for my death domain kenku cleric and with that one,
thinking of the death domain them i made a scythe.

this time around for a war domain and it matches the miniature,
i went with a two-handed warhammer.

i think what makes this awesome is i was able to get the warhammer to match in a way.
i really can't wait to get this character back into the dray of battle.

more to come....


  1. Great work as always! The little clear piece to make Sir Maldred "float" is brilliant, what a nice touch.
    I love the idea of making a physical representation of spiritual weapon too. Your talent and creativity are top notch, you ought to be able to make living with this stuff

    1. haha. thanks man, there's many out there that are million times better than me but I appreciate the praise.


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