"They're coming to get you, Comrade!" - Fistful of Lead

 finally made some time aside to put together a game of Fistful of Lead.
i let Rita to throw together a table for us to game on,
and in the end i have to say she did fairly well setting it up.
might make her do the set ups from now on.

not really having a particular scenario in mind,
i thought it would of been funny of doing some kind of a zombie horde game
like Night of the living Dead movie.

so to make it intense for both of us,
every time an Ace or Joker card was played player rolls a d6 to determine which
building d3 zombies will be spawning from.
and at the end of the turn they will move and perform actions.

the objective is to get to the radio truck in the middle of town, and get out of Dodge!

layout of the table.

the motley group of heroes,
Han Solomon, Morado (group's leader), Rita Lynn, Harrison Jones, and Thornton Lee.

the Trans-Serbian Renegades,
Igor, the Countess Angelina Oksana Kasamir, the Count Chernikov Kasamir and
his faithful hound, Bella, the Count's right hand man, Anatoliy Damir and
Father Dimitri Rasputin.

turn one was insane with zombies creeping all around.
Rita's group had the undead coming all sides just as i did.

i lucked out because i had a few still far away to become a real danger.

Morado took his two pistols and open fired and delivered some serious fire power.

unfortunately they got back up again and advanced for the nearest targets.
Solomon was overwhelmed and became a snack.


both groups started surrounding the truck to make their getaway.
Father Rasputin becomes the first member to enter the rear of the truck.

the Countess took a moment and shot both Rita Lynn and Thornton Lee.

Igor went to fire at Harrison Jones but ran out of ammo,
the Countess also tried to do another two shots and missed and also out of ammo.
such a moment of bad dice rolling.

both groups trying to regroup and get to the objective.

Father Rasputin gets out from the back of the truck and starts shooting
with his concealed pistol.

more zombies emerge from a few of the building.

few zombies are put down from some firepower.
Rita Lynn and Harrison Jones with some wounds managed to get in
the truck and start it up.

the truck stops to pick up a hitchhiker.

after everything is said and done and dead...or undead..
Rita was victorious in the end.

we both had fun and were cringing when an Ace was played because
the randomness of the zombie spawning.

as always good times were had.


  1. This looks great fun. FfoL is probably my favourite skirmish system, but I don't play it very often.
    Lovely set up too. I recognise the statue in the square, is it from a board game?

    1. it had its moments where it was hell in a hand-basket, but it was fun.
      the statue is the manticore figure from the Dark World board game.

    2. Yes, thanks. Dark World, a great source of terrain bits.
      Your game makes me think I could do something similar with all those Walking Dead minis

    3. I was able to get a set of Zombicide wild west miniatures I was playing to use for FFoL western games.


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