World of Druidcraft

 so the story goes is that a certain character was in possession of a certain
powerful artifact in our D&D campaign and was taken out and murdered
for the powerful artifact.

as time went on Rita was asking about the when and why's on her druid character
and curious on her return.

this past weekend the wood elf druid's return was revealed and so was
her whole look and abilities.

now a member of the druid circle of the Wildfire,
her druid, Breena now is able to cast fire spells and rain down havoc.
with her new look and such,
i also painted and added a giant eagle as a fire hawk.
when she reaches level eight she will be able to wild shape into this beast.

i wanted to paint it as if it was a risen phoenix,
as so did Rita's character was resurrected from flames and fire.

i am extremely pleased how the blending of the red, yellow and orange came out.
i never really do much blending but this came out really cool.

Rita was really happy when this miniature hit the table.

another element of the game i went out of my way for was creating spirit beasts
for Lindsey's new dragonborn druid.

her druid a member of the Circle of the Shepard,
has an ability at level two called Spirit Totem.
with this ability she is able to call forth spirits to buff or heal party members.
painted these very simple.
base coat in flat black, secondly drybrushed a light gray all over, then a white over that.
and to complete it i went over it with a green wash of sorts.
i used the cheap Apple Barrel paints u find at Wal-Mart for .99 cents.

the Bear Totem
when near it members are granted temporary hit points and
advantage on strength checks or strength saving throws.

the Unicorn Totem
if members are within the aura of this totem,
if they are healed with a spell they regain additional hit points equal to the druid's level. 

the Hawk Totem,
when within the aura party members gain an advantage towards their attack rolls
and advantage on Perception checks.


  1. Those have come out really well. I particularly like the phoenix.
    Who makes the minis?

    1. thanks, I am very pleased on how the phoenix came out.
      99.999% of my D&D collection is from Wizkids, either unpainted or prepainted.
      I did so everything can be close to scale with one another.


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