the Red Duke returns! - FFoL: Tales of Horror

 haven't posted a battle report of sorts for a while besides Dungeons and Dragons related.
for Halloween i played some Fistful of Lead but with some FFoL: fantasy
and Tales of Horror mix in.

with the FFoL: fantasy rules i can mix whatever miniatures i have to create groups and
also have the opportunity to customize the game way i want to play it.

in this game we have a band of heroes trying to stop an evil necromancer from
resurrecting any more undead.

the table set-up

the heroic warband consists of:
Meabh, female human sorceress,
Raaf the Lightbringer, male human paladin,
Grungni Darkmantle, male dwarf war priest,
Narfaris Cresthill, female tiefling ranger,
Nog, male half ogre,
and Logan Redmane, male human barbarian.

the villainous  undead,
the Red Duke, Viktor Hemmler,
Rook, the Red Duke's acolyte,
two groups of zombies,
and one group of ghouls.

the first roll of the game to cast a spell,
needed anything but a one, and what is rolled?
such a great way to start the game.

the undead advances.

Nafaris takes some carefully aimed shots,
wounding some zombies.

such a giant mess of melee and wound counters.

Rook approaches the melee and casts Cause Fear,
creating havoc for the heroes.
everyone becomes feared except Nafaris.

with Meabh finally able to cast a spell to give Nafaris an extra boost,
she was able to wound a few zombies.

the Red Duke opened up and created a Stream of Corruption spell,
while killing one of his own ghouls,
he also was able to take out the paladin.

Nog is overcome with the other group of zombies.

the first group of wounded are able to dodge arrows and get into melee
with the tiefling ranger.

doom was spelled out for the heroic warband quickly.
the half ogre was over taken by zombies and died from his wounds,
and Redmane was killed in hand-to-hand with a dagger to the chest from Rook.

Meabh and Nafaris are able to escape to live another day.

such a great game.
but a lot of horrible dice rolls.


  1. That looks like a fun game.
    The terrain is very atmospheric too. That flying boat is great, where's it from?

    1. it ws fun, still have to reread the close combat rules, think i messed up those, but it was fun overall.
      i need to get little bit more scatter pieces but for what i have now it does the job.
      the skyboat is from Wizkids.

    2. Sand dunes are easy to make. Foam stuck to a base, shaped and covered with sand. Seal with more PVA and paint or not depending on how 'real' your sand looks.
      Otherwise, barrels, crates and sacks make great scatter. If you can find model urns or jars they would be particularly appropriate

    3. i have terrain pieces like rocks and such, just need more items like what u mentioned, barrels, crates and stuff. looking at getting more inside scatter items also like coffins and statues things like that.


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