to the temple!

 another excellent adventure ran by our D&D group member Jon.
this time we were making our way to freedom by doing a job for the high priest.
apparently Chris's character, Pierce the bard made a deal of some sorts.

Jon's pyramid made of upholstery and card.
and freshly sprayed and glue.
it did smell good while on the table. lol.
i do need a set of scatter terrain pieces to make a jungle/forest set-up,
kinda jealous how well Jon's came out.

a terrible  dino lizard of sorts.
still not sure where the figure is from but it does look cool on the table.

making our way towards the temple in middle of the city,
we became ambushed by soldiers.

fellow group member Lindsey took the following pics of the table set-up from different
opposite side of the table.

some of the party manages to get close to the temple, and even able to scale the steps.
in the foreground, a female drow sorceress approaches and lays waste to a few of
those that prevented the group from advancing.

i would have to say the highlight of this session is Chris's bard, Pierce goes invisible and starts running back and forth tripping and pushing temple guards off the ledges
of the temple.
so many skill checks were taking place.


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