christmas loot from the castle!!

 for those who take time and read on what little ole me is doing with my
tabletop hobby and projects like to say thank you for least taking an
interest in what i do, and i hope everyone is having
a safe and merry christmas and happy holidays.

the most wonderful woman in my life surprised me this christmas with a new
edition to my tabletop terrain collection and got me the Castle set from
Tenfold Dungeon.

just like the Temple set but only a more darker tone and more gothic setting.
with the new addition of this set i'll be able to upgrade my game
instead of using the 2D dungeon tiles i made back in 2022.

another great product.

i apologize for the way these pics came out,
i was sitting on the opposite side of the game table than i normally do when taking pics
hence i believe why these pics are slightly darker.

a few heroes has cornered a death knight.

creeping in the courtyard, the ghost of Sir Maldred, the Red Dragon appears.

a dragonborn necromancer casts spells to march forth into the night
with her undead cohort.

the tortle monk, Quirog challenges a few ghouls.

Breena, the elvish druid duels against a powerful dragonborn sorceress.

for christmas i got Rita for first set of metal dice.
unfortunately the tin case they came in was dinged up.
she thinks they were placed in the tin incorrectly which produced the dings,
but overall she fell in love with them.

wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!


  1. Merry Christmas to you too.
    The new castle stuff looks great and it's always good to see your minis collection.

    1. thank you, hope u have a merry christmas as well.
      with a new D&D campaign gearing up next month, should be adding several more miniatures to the collection over the next few months.

    2. A new campaign, excellent.
      I recently started a new campaign, but it's all online for geographical reasons.
      I am pressing on with my long term project to collect and paint up D&D minis.

    3. looking forward to seeing what u get going and painted.

  2. That looks excellent. Very tempted to pick one of those up myself, especially as you clearly like them.

    1. thank u, check them out online first then pick which one u would get the more mileage out of.
      i got the temple set first because most of my terrain i have is desert/middle eastern/wild west themed.
      that's my suggestion for ya.


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