ghouls and tumbleweeds - FFoL: Reloaded

 since nearly half of the D&D group was absent this past weekend a few of us
got together and i was able to introduce them to a game of Fistful of Lead.
i ran a very basic version of the game for them.

since i had my wild west figures all out and about i took this opportunity to set up
a wild west game since my D&D never really saw the terrain for it. 

basic set up of the buildings.
still meaning to get more scatter pieces for my western collection.

everyone had a three man group to keep things easy.
but since i was running it i had to throw a wrench in there to make it really interesting.
i had scattered all around number tokens.
when an ace card or the joker cards are used to activate a model,
whoever played the card rolls a d6 to select which location zombies will appear from.
then roll d3 to see how many will appear.
if a joker card is used only one slight more aggressive zombie is summoned.

the objective of the game though is to get every member of your group to the bank to
snatch up the loot and gold.

Rita's lone gunman takes aim at Lindsey's posse.

with some terrific rolls,
by turn two, Rita was able to take out 2 of the 3 members
of Lindsey's group.

but it wasn't long for Rita's one rifleman to get taken out by Lindsey.
so much gunfire across one street!

while all this chaos is erupting,
Chris brings his gang into the picture letting the two ladies take out each other.

the lone gunman.

view down main street,
Chris strategically moving his gang along the buildings avoiding
Rita as much as he can.

the first wave of zombies appear and straight forward to Lindsey's lone gunman.

at this point Rita got one inside the bank.
and everyone was taking out zombies.

an aggressive ghoulish zombie was summoned behind a somewhat sneaky outlaw.

after taking some shots that did not do the job,
few zombies derailed their attention to Rita's posse member that is inside the bank.

that zombie wanted brains so bad it tried to fight it's way through the window.

Rita was using the inside of the buildings since the roofs can detach.,
might have to glue them on from now

Rita with some sneaky maneuvers got her only two members of her gang inside the bank.

everyone had fun and it was something different for them since
Chris and Lindsey do not play table top games regularly
like Rita and i do.

as always good times all round.


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