"we must hurry lads..." - FFoL: fantasy

what would a good game than to feature two races that have nothing but hatred for
each other since the dawn of time in any fantasy setting.
the tide of the greenskins versus the hardy and stubborn longbeards.

nothing is more entertaining than a good ole face-off between the orcs and dwarves,
which for me anything with dwarves is golden.

layout of the table.
objective of the game is the dwarves must make it to the docked skyboat,
and the orcs must prevent this within six turns.

both warbands start at opposite ends of the table.
both equipped with light armor with or not shields and a mixture of weapons.
the orcish warband has one armed with a bow.
the leader of the orcs is a level 3 shaman lord and the second-in-command of
the dwarves is a level 2 rune priest, who both are able to cast spells. 

group splits with two orcs goes towards the skyboat.

at the end of turn one,
the shaman lord cast a lightning bolt which hit the dwarven leader,
while everyone else plot their next moves.

the rune priest creates a thunderclap of lightning to the two sneaky orcs,
and able to take out one of them.

two orcs with hand weapons and shields charged into the dwarves and
able to kill two dwarves.

the dwarf leader and the rune priest took out the other orc underneath the skyboat.

a savage dwarf takes two orcs on by himself and takes them down,
but only wounding them.

the shaman lord is surrounded which in turn would be cut down and vanquished.

the dwarves able to cut through the greenskins, make their way to the skyboat.


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