MotU: Shadow Beasts

 Shadow Beasts are great ape-like beasts who live in tribes throughout the dark hemisphere. Shadow Beasts can only come out in the absence of light. Originally created by Count Marzo as a weapon to use against his enemies, the beasts were driven back by Princes Keldor and Randor and forced to reside in the shadow of Mount Barathrum. There they developed a longstanding hatred of both the Human and Gar races. Easily manipulated, the ever-growing colony of Beasts was later controlled by Beast Man in the service of both Skeletor and Evil-Lyn to take down Eternos Palace. With their great strength and stealthy appearance, Shadow Beasts are more than a match for most heroic warriors!

these were fun to paint.
i used acrylic paints to paint these.
primed with a white undercoat
with a mixture of Apple Barrel #21469E Flag Red and #20594E Royal Violet
for the base color.
then went over all the miniatures with a very watered down black wash.
with the horn i painted them with a straight Royal Violet.
using the Flag Red for the tongue and eyes and normal white for the teeth.
the base is a mixture of Flag Red and Black, with a hint of more black than red.

can't wait to get these monsters on the table for another game of MotU.
below a few pics of work-in-process..


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