Taking Down the Force Field - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

 continuing playing the scenarios out of the FFoL: Galactic Heroes rulebook.
this time the heroes need to transport a bomb to blow up the building that holds the generator that shields a prototype machine that would become the Death Star.

layout of the table.
using my newly constructed large building as the target
for the heroic team to destroy.

the Galactic Heroes.

the villainous henchmen for the Trade Federation.

waiting patiently for the right time to attack.

transporting the explosives.

setting up a defense line.
taking pot shots to the heroes.

first blood,
and out of ammo.

safely taking the bomb to its destination but trying to take out some enemies.
the crew leader took an early wound but used the R2 unit to take the wound.

the heroes taking damage.

the henchmen taking positions into taking out the threat from the heroes.

all sorts of damage and carnage.

desperate melee.
at this point of the game there were so many shock counters distributed
between the two groups.

the crew leader loses the close quarter combat,
and flees.
after this it was a downward spiral of bad luck for the heroes.

with all the wounds, shock counters and such,
the Galactic Heroes forfeit on turn five.
overall a good effort for the good guys but came up too short for a victory.


  1. Great terrain and miniatures. Looks like fun was had!

  2. Great fun! and nice to see the old WoTC minis. Your terrain looks great too.

    1. thanks, my one friend had so much stuff and i pretty much inherited them.
      i like them because there's no painting and/or assembly lol.


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