League of Distinguished Gentlemen

 my second group of miniatures given to me from another good friend.
this time around instead of GI's,
i was given a handful of explorers and adventurers.
every time i play with these miniatures i start talking in a crappy brit accent.
these were rather fun to paint.
each miniature almost has it's own characteristic which makes them all more fun to game with.

i'll use these when i'm playing either
Wiley Games systems or pulp games with my local gaming group.

Her Majesty's
League of Distinguished Gentlemen

the Professor,
Graham Miller

Thornton Lee

the Commodore,
Herbert Remmington

Lucian Van Pelt, renowned hunter

Colonial Edgar Chapman IV, British Army, Ret.

Theo Thorebourne

Roman Johnston

Sir Jonathan Hyde II , British Army, Ret.


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