lrn2play: Cthulhu: Death May Die co/op

this past weekend i was able to introduce my girlfriend, Rita to probably hands down
one of my favorite board games, Cthulhu: Death May Die.
to be honest i was not sure how she would take for not being familiar with H.P. Lovecraft material.
but in the end i was surprised, she indeed enjoy it very much.

layout of the table, before the terror and carnage ensues.

we played with five characters starting season one episode one.
i was taking Rasputin, Ahmed, and the Kid.
and Rita was running with Elizabeth and Borden.
also decided to have Cthulhu be the Elder God of this episode.

Rita took most of the pics that are featured in this post.
did such a good job capturing the exciting hell we all went through.

starting the episode cautiously.

view of the other floor of the episode.

during most of the game there was a very small space that was a popular spot for monsters to hang out.
at this moment Rita sent Elizabeth to destroy a lab which in turn becomes a inferno
and igniting a fire to all surrounding rooms.

cultists come, cultists go.
however when a Byakhee was summoned,
Rita was like "what now, whats coming now?!"
good times.

the Fire Vampires i have to admit were the worst.
just leaving fire patches everywhere,
it was either put out fires so you don't get damaged or fight monsters.

the Elder God himself is summoned.
we were able to disrupted the summoning ritual before
real hell was unleashed.

we got so involved we didn't take any pics after Cthulhu reached stage three.
we were so focused on surviving and getting through stage three and get to stage four because we all died.

will say when he was summoned for stage three he did get summoned in the famous monster room as was pointed out earlier.

stage four summoned at the beginning where the characters started out.
about two thirds of the group were heavy hitting and damage dealing machines but were also on the opposite side of the board and blocked by a lot of fire.
Ahmed was killed by fire unfortunately.
fire tokens galore! 🔥🔥🔥

at this moment, Rasputin went to attempt to take out two Fire Vampires and was succumbed by fire and died. but that was a plan all along because of his unique skill of coming back to life.
more cultists and a damn Fire Vampire came after Borden and the Kid.

my character dashboards.

while i was planning out Rasputin's heroic return next turn,
Rita was like i got a plan.
she took Elizabeth who was armed with a pistol and a very large pool of dice to roll
and started empty clips into Cthulhu.
taking him down in the end.
we were victorious and able to end the Elder God's reign of horror.

Rita wanted a picture of her final dice roll.
she was proud being the hero of the game.
very surprised on how well she did for never played this before.
good job!


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