A Hive of Scum and Villainy - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

 played another scenario from the FFoL: Galactic Heroes rulebook.
this time around its almost a four way battle but with some exceptions.
there is a group of smugglers who has a shipment of priceless resources,
a crew of pirates are waiting with the payment,
a group of down on their luck Republic loyalists looking to interfere,
and a patrol of Trade Federation looking for the shipment and arrest the smugglers.

layout of the table.

the patrol of the Trade Federation.

group of pirates waiting for the shipment.

the unluckiest group of the Republic.

the smugglers with a hover wagon.

shots fired.

scoping out the competition.

looking to intercept the shipment before the pirates.

the Trade Federation exchanging blaster fire with the smugglers.

the unlucky crew and the pirates fighting for ground.

in the center of town,
the unlucky crew are fighting two sides and defending
the smugglers from the Federation.

so much bloodshed.

the strong arm of the crew takes the shots to protect his crew leader.

a deal was made amidst a street fight.

the wookie from the smugglers group goes berserk and takes out
a few Battle Droids.

looking for a shot.

more chaos in the center of town.

the pirates scheming on ways to take the shipment.

such a stand off.

the unlucky crew leader taking off with the prize.

being shot at and trying to keep it together to get
back tot he ship.

the leader of the pirates cuts off to retrieve what is rightfully theirs.

after a few rounds the pirate leader was about to win the shipment.
the only price they had to pay was the lives of a few crew members.


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